This is a critical question that we asked candidates for ministry as we interviewed them Monday and Tuesday. The religious and legal professions have some of the highest rates of burn-out in this country; one cannot give what one does not have and replenish.

This self-care and replenishment is certainly spiritual in nature, but it is also physical. We must take care of our bodies if we are to be effective for the long-run, regardless of job or age. John Wesley, the founder of the Methodist movement, knew this 250 years ago and made recommendations for self-care that he published. It is striking how far ahead of his time he was in his thinking. I will share some of those this Sunday as we discuss, "Healthy Living" as a "Means of Grace." In 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, Paul writes of the importance of recognizing our bodies as “temples” given to us to “glorify God.”

Lent is a time of self-examination, repentance and focus. I hope that your self-care, along with daily prayer and scripture time are all helpful in fully experiencing the grace God, pouring into your life every minute of every day.

Breathe peace (John 14:27),

Matt Gaston
Lead Pastor